Feb 27, 2011

Egyptian troops beat protesters outside cabinet office

CAIRO — Egyptian military police beat protesters Saturday to clear them from outside the Cabinet office where they were trying to camp out overnight to press demands for sweeping political reforms and the dismissal of remnants of ousted President Hosni Mubarak's regime.
The clash signaled a tougher line from Egypt's military rulers, who had avoided violently confronting anti-government protesters in the streets while promising to meet their demands for democratic reform and return the country to civilian rule.

View the original article here

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About me

Hi, my name is kim. I'm studying at the University of Amsterdam, and created a blog about the situation in the Middle East. I am currently in Egypt for my studdies. Happy reading!

The Revolution Blog

This blog will follow up the revolutionary situation in the Middle-East, e.g. countries like Libya, Bahrain, Egypt, Tunis, Morocco, Yemen and so on, including their dictators such as Hosni Mubarak, Ben Ali, Muammar Gaddafi..
Happy Reading! Kim

Would the Revolution have happened without social networking?